Borrowing money and not paying back: when you don't pay, are you committing a crime?
What is the crime of borrowing money and not paying back?
Borrowing money online, even borrowing money without repayment, is a civil transaction in which the borrower has the obligation to repay the lender when due. If the borrower does not repay the debt when due, depending on the severity of the act, it may be handled under civil or criminal law.
According to civil law, if a loan is not repaid when due, the lender will sue in court to demand repayment. The court will base on the evidence to determine the borrower's responsibility and issue a decision forcing the borrower to repay the lender.
According to criminal law, the act of borrowing money and not repaying it when all of the following signs are present will constitute the crime of abuse of trust and appropriation of property.